Intercessions from Cathy Crook
Posted on by David Marshall
Loving Father, the one true God, we bring before you our cares and concerns for the world, our community and ourselves.
We ask you to strengthen those who proclaim the gospel in dangerous places around the world, where livelihoods, loved ones and lives are threatened. Give them courage and hope when they see others come to faith, when prayers are answered and their trust in you is fulfilled. May we, in the safety of our comfortable lives, learn to see the opportunities to share your gospel and to do so with boldness and grace.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
We ask you to inspire and encourage those who lead this, and all nations. May they lead with humility, without the need for greed, praise or flattery to influence their decisions. We pray that barriers between people or nations will be broken down. We pray for ethnic minority groups, for all who are judged because of their race, colour or creed. We remember at this time all refugees, all outcasts and rejected people. May we learn to respect one another’s cultures and differences.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
We give thanks for those whose lives touch ours, in this parish and beyond. Bind us together as a supportive community, breaking down any barriers, listening to and acting upon the needs of others, caring for your creation and encouraging those for whom life feels wasted or wasteful. We pray for those among friends and families who do not know you, or whose faith has been shaken.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
We give thanks for all those who work or volunteer in the caring profession, whether in hospice or hospital, care home, food banks or as street pastors. We ask you Lord to strengthen their healing hands and hearts as they bring comfort to those in distress. Inspire them to explore new ways to bring wholeness to broken lives and courage when faced with difficult issues. May we know what it is to be patient with those who come into our care, to support them emotionally and physically as they share their frailties with us and to pray faithfully for those who we can’t minister to in other ways.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
We pray for the needs of those known to us who are grieving or suffering in any way. We pray for children who are distressed or in pain and courage to parents who are anxious for their children. We pray for the mentally ill, for those battling with addiction and the suicidal. We pray for those waiting for hospital appointments, investigations, a diagnosis or an operation. Comfort those facing another day of pain, hunger or fear. Help us to know what practical or private help we can give to meet their needs.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
We commend to your love and mercy those who have recently died. We thank you for lives well lived and love shared. We pray for those who grieve their passing, whether recently or at this time of year. Comfort them in your outstretched loving arms.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
Lord, in gratitude we remember those who gave up so much to bring the good news to our country and pray that with us, it may continue to be spread until the whole earth knows of your truth and love.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen